Monday, July 5, 2010

NTBACKUP not working, Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:0x8004231f.

Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "test.bkf created 7/4/2010 at 11:46"

Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.

Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:0x8004231f.

Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:8004231f
Aborting Backup.


The operation did not successfully complete.



1. STOP "Windows Management Instrumentation" Service.

2. c:\windows\system32\wbem
rename repository folder

3. START "Windows Management Instrumentation" Service.

4. check the repository folder is created or not.

5. if not created

my computer , rught click , wmi control , properties , check system name is showing or not.

6. run ntbackup, if not working c:\properties\ shadow copies-> enable

7. Check NTBACKUP is working or Not.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A non-delivery report with a status code of 5.7.1 was generated for recipient

Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event Category: NDR
Event ID: 3027
Date: 6/23/2010
Time: 4:55:22 PM
User: N/A
Computer: XXXXX
A non-delivery report with a status code of 5.7.1 was generated for recipient rfc822; (Message-ID ).
Causes: This message indicates that the sender was denied access or general access was denied.
Solution: Check system privileges and attributes for the contact and retry sending the message.
For more information, click
0000: 46 05 04 80 F..€

5.7.1 status code is that the text may indicate that the client was not authenticated. When you receive this particular message, it indicates that the sending mail server must be authenticated with the receiving mail system before delivery can take place. However, this type of nondelivery report can also be generated if you attempt to accept anonymous SMTP mail from the Internet via a hub transport server. Hub transport service can be configured to accept Internet mail, but by default, Microsoft assumes that you're going to be using an edge transport server for this purpose.

Open AD Users and Computers-> Search User -> Go to Exchange General ->
Delivery Restrictions -> From Authenticate should be deselected under accept message under message restriction.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to backup 1)Full Reg Backup 2) Shares 3) Route 4) IP Config 5)Ipconfig 6)TNSNAMES.ORA 7)ODBC 8)Schedule Task Backup 9)NTFS Permission Backup

How to backup 1)Full Reg Backup 2) Shares 3) Route 4) IP Config 5)Ipconfig 6)TNSNAMES.ORA 7)ODBC 8)Schedule Task Backup 9)NTFS Permission Backup

@echo off
echo ============================================================================
echo Backup Registry 1)Full Reg Backup 2) Shares 3) Route 4) IP Config 5)Ipconfig 6)TNSNAMES.ORA 7)ODBC 8)Schedule Task Backup 9)NTFS Permission Backup
echo NTFS Permission Restoration Command : icacls C:\ /restore ntfsperms.txt
echo ============================================================================
cd data
del /Q *.*
regedit /S /E FullRegistryBackup.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares SharesBackup.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes Persistentroute.reg
ipconfig /all >jsitis0112ipconfig.txt
route print >jsitis0112route.txt
copy /y c:\oracle\ora81\network\ADMIN\TNSNAMES.ORA TNSNAMES.ORA
copy /y c:\windows\tasks *.*
cd ..
icacls C:\ /save ntfsperms.txt /t /c

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Manually removed a crashed Exchange 2003 server from your existing exchange enviroment.

1. Take a full System backup of your exchange server and exchange store.

2. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Windows 2000 Support Tools, point to Tools, and then click ADSI Edit.Expand each of the following items:Configuration ContainerCN=Configuration, DC=Domain_Name,DC=comCN=ServicesCN=Microsoft Exchange CN=Your_Organization_NameCN=Administrative GroupsCN=Your_Administrative_Group_Name_Or_Exchange5.5_Site_NameCN=Servers
Note In this procedure, Domain_Name is a placeholder for the name of your domain, Your_Organization_Name is a placeholder for the name of your organization, and Your_Administrative_Group_Name_Or_Exchange5.5_Site_Name is a placeholder for the name of your administrative group or Exchange 5.5 site.Right-click the Exchange 2003 server object, and then click Delete.Click Yes in every adsiedit dialog box that prompts you to confirm the deletion.

If you want to delete the administrative group then delete the follwoing key,

CN=First Administrative Group

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exchange MOM Critical Error Alert on MAILSERVER: "The transaction log sequence for a storage group is about to run out of available file names."

Exchange MOM Critical Error Alert on MAILSERVER: "The transaction log sequence for a storage group is about to run out of available file names."

Severity: Critical Error
Status: New
Source: ESE
Name: The transaction log sequence for a storage group is about to run out of available file names.
Description: Information Store (3520) First Storage Group: Log sequence numbers for this instance have almost been completely consumed. The current log generation is 918000 (0x000E01F0) which is approaching the maximum log generation of 1048559 (0x000FFFEF), there are 130559 (0x0001FDFF) log generations left to be used. To begin renumbering from generation 1, the instance must be shutdown cleanly and all log files must be deleted. Backups will be invalidated.

Problem Analysis:

1. The transaction log sequence is getting exhausted.

2. The transaction log sequence is from E0000001.log ( DEC: 1) to E00FFFFF.log (DEC: 10,48,575), currently the sequence is E2146 i.e (9.26,022 ), due to which the error is getting generated.

Plan of Action:

1. Take full system and system state including Exchange Server (Microsoft Information Store and all the Storage Group) backup.

2. Install Exchange Troubleshooting Assistance v1.1

3. The transaction log path to be modified and new transaction log sequence is to be re initiated.

Contingency Plan:

1. In case of any problem, the Exchange Information Store can be restored.

Restoration Time: 1.5 X (Exchange Information Store Backup Time).

The transaction log path to be modified and new transaction log sequence is to be re initiated.


1. Dismount MailBox Store.

Open Exchange System Manager -> Administrative Group -> First/Second..Administrative Group -> Servers->MAIL SERVER NAME -> MailBoxStore

Right Click and Disable.

2. Dismount Public Store.

Open Exchange System Manager -> Administrative Group -> First/Second..Administrative Group -> Servers->MAIL SERVER NAME -> Public Folder Store

Right Click and Disable.

Note: If you don't dismount Public Store, E00.chk file won't be copied.

3. Go to C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDDATA folder.

Check if the database are dismounted properly,

eseutil /MH priv1.edb

eseutil /MH pub1.edb

STATE must be "CLEAN"

if not clean refer Microsoft KB article, if that doesn't work use the following command,

eseutil /p priv1.edb

4. Cut *.log and *.chk files from Transaction Log location to different folder.

Else: USE Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistance v1.1 , use DATA BASE recovery option to reset Transaction Log Counter. IF it fails you can cut paste the transaction log files including E00.log, which will reset the Transaction Log Counter.

Note: Don't delete the log files, which might be required during restoration.

5. Mount Storage, and check mail flow.

6. Immediately take the information store backup, once the activity is completed.

If you face any problem pls feel free to contact me on

Subhag Ghosh


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

winmail.dat is getting attached in email.


Everytime I send an attachment it gets converted to a winmail.dat file at theusers end. This has only happened recently as far as I am aware. Is thereanything I need to do on my client or is it something that's been done on theExchange server?

Exchange Server administrator or end users can prevent the Winmail.dat attachment from being sent to Internet users when using the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector (IMC). When an end user sends mail to the Internet from an Exchange Windows or Outlook client, a file attachment called Winmail.dat may be automatically added to the end of the message if the recipient's client cannot receive messages in Rich Text Format (RTF). The Winmail.dat file contains Exchange Server RTF information for the message, and may appear to the recipient as a binary file. It is not useful to non-Exchange Server recipients.

Two settings,

1. Outlook can be configured to prevent rich text.

Select Tools Options... from the menu.
Go to the Mail Format tab.
Under Compose in this message format:, make sure either HTML or Plain Text is selected.
Click Internet Format.
Make sure either Convert to Plain Text format or Convert to HTML format is selected underWhen sending Outlook Rich Text messages to Internet recipients, use this format:
Click OK.
Click OK again.

2. Exchange Server can be configured to not to use rich text.

Pls see the screenshot in the current blog above.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again.


Subject: Undeliverable: Richard lankshear - delay error message
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: Richard lankshear - delay error message
Sent: 26/03/2010 15:53
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: on 26/03/2010 15:53
The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. If it still fails, contact your system administrator.


This error is due to non existence of SMTP address in exchange server.
Possible solution,
1. SMTPAddress of Mail Box is wrongly configured.

2. The Mail Box doesn't exists in exchange.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A configuration error in the recipient's e-mail system prevented delivery of this message. Two recipients are configured with the same e-mail address.

While sending mail from TSI Exchange to the following error is encountered,
Trading on 3/17/2010 5:03 PM A configuration error in the recipient's e-mail system prevented delivery of this message. Two recipients are configured with the same e-mail address. Contact your administrator.

The exchange connector was picking wrong SMTP address in TA field.
mapmex.tbl. The attributes for the directories are defined in amap.tbl files.
· In the \Program Files\Exchrvr\Conndata\Dxamex directory:
· AMAP.TBL This file defines Exchange mailbox attributes that will be synchronized from Active Directory to the Lotus Domino Directory.
· MAPNOTES.TBL This file defines attribute mapping from the Lotus Domino Directory to Active Directory.
· In the \Program Files\Exchrvr\Conndata\DxaLotus Notes subdirectory:
· AMAP.TBL This file defines the Lotus Domino mail database attributes to be synchronized from the Lotus Domino Directory to Active Directory.
· MAPMEX.TBL This file defines attribute mapping from Active Directory to the Lotus Domino Directory.

Configuration of Lotus Note Connector,

Current Setting :
1. Forwarder Email Address was getting set in TA address in exchange contacts.
· TA = "SMTP:" ISEQUAL( MailAddr, "", ISEQUAL( SMTPAddr, "", Replace( Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "%" Replace( Strip( MailDomain, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "", SMTPAddr ), MailAddr )
Problem Analysis:
The following three functions were used in the connector configuration,

ISEQUAL( exp1, exp2, val1, val2 )
ISEQUAL returns the value of val1 if exp1 equals exp2, otherwise it returns the value of val2. ISEQUAL is not case-sensitive.
ISEQUAL( "remote", "remote", "R", "L") "R"
ISEQUAL( "remote", "local", "R", "L") "L"
ISEQUAL( "remote", "REMOTE", "R", "L") "R"

STRIP ( string1, string2, [scan-from-direction] , [strip-toward- direction]),
[scan-from-direction] = "L" "R"
[strip-toward-direction] = "L" "R"
STRIP locates the left-most or right-most occurrence of string2 in string1 and removes characters from the right or left, including string2. The value for scan-from-direction determines whether STRIP looks for the left-most or right-most occurrence of string 2 in string 1; the value for strip-toward- direction determines whether characters are removed from the left or right of where string2 starts.
If the either the scan-from-direction or the strip-toward-direction parameter is omitted, the value for the missing parameter is assumed to be the same as the one that is specified. If both these parameters are omitted, the default for both is assumed to be "R" (right).
STRIP ( "Senior Vice President", "Vice", "L" ) " President" (Note the leading space)
STRIP ( "Senior Vice President", "Vice", "R" ) "Senior " (Note the trailing space)
STRIP ( "Senior Vice President", " " , "L") "Vice President"
STRIP ( "Senior Vice President", " ", "R" ) "Senior Vice"
STRIP ( "Senior Vice President", " ", "R", "L" ) "President"

REPLACE ( field, what [,with] )
This mapping function enables you to remove specific characters from an ID or replace selected characters with substitute characters. It scans field for any characters in the what string and replaces them with the corresponding character from the with string. If the with string is shorter or is not provided (meaning that one or more characters in what have no corresponding characters in with), those characters are elided (removed) from field.
REPLACE ("James Hendergart"," ","_") "James_Hendergart"
REPLACE ("Sales & Marketing E-mail Group"," ",".") "Sales.&.Marketing.E-mail.Group"

Lotus Address Fields
Forwarding address contain in MailAddress (NAMES)
Internet address contain in InternetAddress (TEXT)

Example is give below.
Exchange Connector Parameter

InternetAddress (TEXT) : SMTPAddr
MailAddress (NAMES) : MailAddr
· TA = "SMTP:" ISEQUAL( MailAddr, "", ISEQUAL( SMTPAddr, "", Replace( Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "%" Replace( Strip( MailDomain, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "", SMTPAddr ), MailAddr )
· i.e TA = "SMTP:" ISEQUAL( MailAddr, "", X1, MailAddr )
If MailAddr is blank then X1
X1 = ISEQUAL( SMTPAddr, "", Replace( Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "%" Replace( Strip( MailDomain, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "", SMTPAddr )
X1 is nothing but SMTPAddr of Lotus Address Book.
Modified Settings:
The problem is forwarder EMAIL address in notes is mapped to MailAddr field, the current syntax says, if the MailAddr filed is blank then take SMTPAddr as TA address else Forwarder address is pumped into TA address.
1. ISEQUAL( SMTPAddr, "", Replace( Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "%" Replace( Strip( MailDomain, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "", SMTPAddr

Thursday, March 18, 2010

SMTP messages that are sent from the Lotus Notes SMTPMTA to Exchange 2000 and to Exchange 2003 append @NotesDomain to the sender's address

SMTP messages that are sent from the Lotus Notes SMTPMTA to Exchange 2000 and to Exchange 2003 append @NotesDomain to the sender's address.
To do this, modify the following mapping tables:
Edit the following SMTP address in the Amap.tbl mapping tables. You can find these tables under the Exchsrvr\conndata\dxamex folder path:
InetAddr 128 proxyAddresses(SMTP:)
Edit the following SMTP address in the Amap.tbl mapping tables. You can find these tables under the Exchsrvr\conndata\dxanotes folder path:
InetAddr 128 InternetAddressNotes
For the line in the Amap.tbl file of the Dxamex folder, if the word SMTP is uppercase, the primary bold SMTP address syncs from Exchange to Notes. If the word smtp is lowercase, one of the secondary smtp addresses will be synced. Both of these entries are required for the sync to work.
If you only want to sync in one direction, such as to sync an Exchange server to a Lotus Notes server when the Lotus Notes server is the SMTP gateway, you have to change the SMTP address in the Amap.tbl file of the Dxanotes folder to the following entry:
InetAddr 128 InternetAddress 1 The "1" at the end of the SMTP address sets the value to read-only. Therefore, the Dirsync process will not write the SMTP address of the Notes user to the contact in Active Directory.
After you have made the changes, restart the Microsoft Exchange Connectivity Controller service and the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes service. Then force a full reload of the Dirsync process. You can force the reload in both of directions, or you can force the reload only from Exchange to Lotus Notes if you want to sync only one direction and Lotus Notes is the SMTP gateway to Exchange.Note After you upgrade to the latest Exchange Server 2003 post-Service Pack 2 Web Release, "@NotesDomain" will still be appended to the sender's display name of incoming e-mail from external Internet domains. However, this behavior will no longer affect message flow.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers

1. A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients. Contact your administrator.

A non-delivery report with a status code of 5.4.6 was generated for recipient x-ex;/O=EXCHANGE/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=

Cause: A forward loop was detected by the categorizer. This is a common hosting configuration problem caused when someone uses the provisioning tool to create a contact in one organization unit and creates a user in a different organization user that share the same e-mail address.

1. The problem is due to existence of same email address in multiple user id or contacts.
2. Edit Exchange Default Policy,

3. Exchange->Recepient Policies->Default Policy->Email Address->SMTP->EDIT

Deselect, This Exchange organization is responsible for all mail delivery to this address.

If the selection is not highlighted, make a other policy as primay and then edit the policy.


Directory synchronization between Notes and Exchange with SMTP addresses

This article provides information about directory synchronization between Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange Server with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) addresses.

There are two method of email forwarding from Lotus Domino to Exchange 2003,
1. Using Lotus Notes connector.
2. SMTP EMail forwarding.
For Lotus to Exchange Directory Synchronization you can use Lotus Notes Connector for point 1, and for point 2 (SMTP Delivery), the connector parameter needs to be changed to facilate the directory sync.
The Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes provides mail flow between an Exchange organization and a Notes organization. When mail is transported by means of the Exchange Notes Connector, the Notes client controls communication by over Notes Remote Procedure Call (NRPC).In certain circumstances, you may want to send mail by means of SMTP instead of using the Exchange Notes Connector. The Exchange Notes Connector may not correctly transform Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) mail with certain properties, but that same mail passes from Exchange to Notes (and vice-versa) over SMTP without any loss of message fidelity.Note that if you use SMTP as the mail transport, you may lose other functionality that the Exchange Notes Connector provides, such as DocLink conversion.You can easily set up mail transfer between the two organizations with SMTP without using the Exchange Notes Connector; however, keeping the directories synchronized between the two systems is not easy.To synchronize the directories, you need to run the Exchange Notes Connector, but modify the mapping tables so that Exchange recipients appear as SMTP recipients in Notes, and Notes recipients appear as SMTP contacts or custom recipients in Exchange.Before you make any changes to your directory synchronization mapping files, make sure that you have a safe copy of all of the files that need to be modified. If you incorrectly edit these files, there might be no entries synchronized between the two directories.We also strongly recommend that you test this configuration in a lab environment before you implement the configuration in production, to determine if these mappings meet your needs.The following changes assume that the Exchange Notes Connector is correctly configured to read from and write to the appropriate Name and Address Books in Notes. The changes that are listed below reflect additions to the files, unless otherwise noted.
Location C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\conndata
You need to have Lotus notes conector for exchange installed.
For Exchange 2000 Server and for Exchange Server 2003, modify the following files:
SMTPAddr 128 InternetAddress
MailAddr 128 MailAddress
MailSys 4 MailSystem
MailAddr = Trim( SMTPAddr, "B" )
MailSys = "5"
SMTPAddr1 64 Proxy-Addresses(SMTP:)
SMTPAddr2 64 Secondary-Proxy-Addresses(SMTP:)
SMTPAddr3 64 Secondary-Proxy-Addresses(SMTP:)
InetAddr 128 InternetAddress 1
TA = "SMTP:" ISEQUAL( MailAddr, "", ISEQUAL( SMTPAddr, "", Replace( Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "%" Replace( Strip( MailDomain, ";", "L", "R" ), " ", "_" ) "", SMTPAddr ), MailAddr ) is your smtp domain name ex.

NOTE: Replace the existing line in this file beginning with:
TA =


