Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A non-delivery report with a status code of 5.7.1 was generated for recipient

Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event Category: NDR
Event ID: 3027
Date: 6/23/2010
Time: 4:55:22 PM
User: N/A
Computer: XXXXX
A non-delivery report with a status code of 5.7.1 was generated for recipient rfc822; (Message-ID ).
Causes: This message indicates that the sender was denied access or general access was denied.
Solution: Check system privileges and attributes for the contact and retry sending the message.
For more information, click
0000: 46 05 04 80 F..€

5.7.1 status code is that the text may indicate that the client was not authenticated. When you receive this particular message, it indicates that the sending mail server must be authenticated with the receiving mail system before delivery can take place. However, this type of nondelivery report can also be generated if you attempt to accept anonymous SMTP mail from the Internet via a hub transport server. Hub transport service can be configured to accept Internet mail, but by default, Microsoft assumes that you're going to be using an edge transport server for this purpose.

Open AD Users and Computers-> Search User -> Go to Exchange General ->
Delivery Restrictions -> From Authenticate should be deselected under accept message under message restriction.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to backup 1)Full Reg Backup 2) Shares 3) Route 4) IP Config 5)Ipconfig 6)TNSNAMES.ORA 7)ODBC 8)Schedule Task Backup 9)NTFS Permission Backup

How to backup 1)Full Reg Backup 2) Shares 3) Route 4) IP Config 5)Ipconfig 6)TNSNAMES.ORA 7)ODBC 8)Schedule Task Backup 9)NTFS Permission Backup

@echo off
echo ============================================================================
echo Backup Registry 1)Full Reg Backup 2) Shares 3) Route 4) IP Config 5)Ipconfig 6)TNSNAMES.ORA 7)ODBC 8)Schedule Task Backup 9)NTFS Permission Backup
echo NTFS Permission Restoration Command : icacls C:\ /restore ntfsperms.txt
echo ============================================================================
cd data
del /Q *.*
regedit /S /E FullRegistryBackup.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares SharesBackup.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes Persistentroute.reg
ipconfig /all >jsitis0112ipconfig.txt
route print >jsitis0112route.txt
copy /y c:\oracle\ora81\network\ADMIN\TNSNAMES.ORA TNSNAMES.ORA
copy /y c:\windows\tasks *.*
cd ..
icacls C:\ /save ntfsperms.txt /t /c

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Manually removed a crashed Exchange 2003 server from your existing exchange enviroment.

1. Take a full System backup of your exchange server and exchange store.

2. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Windows 2000 Support Tools, point to Tools, and then click ADSI Edit.Expand each of the following items:Configuration ContainerCN=Configuration, DC=Domain_Name,DC=comCN=ServicesCN=Microsoft Exchange CN=Your_Organization_NameCN=Administrative GroupsCN=Your_Administrative_Group_Name_Or_Exchange5.5_Site_NameCN=Servers
Note In this procedure, Domain_Name is a placeholder for the name of your domain, Your_Organization_Name is a placeholder for the name of your organization, and Your_Administrative_Group_Name_Or_Exchange5.5_Site_Name is a placeholder for the name of your administrative group or Exchange 5.5 site.Right-click the Exchange 2003 server object, and then click Delete.Click Yes in every adsiedit dialog box that prompts you to confirm the deletion.

If you want to delete the administrative group then delete the follwoing key,

CN=First Administrative Group

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exchange MOM Critical Error Alert on MAILSERVER: "The transaction log sequence for a storage group is about to run out of available file names."

Exchange MOM Critical Error Alert on MAILSERVER: "The transaction log sequence for a storage group is about to run out of available file names."

Severity: Critical Error
Status: New
Source: ESE
Name: The transaction log sequence for a storage group is about to run out of available file names.
Description: Information Store (3520) First Storage Group: Log sequence numbers for this instance have almost been completely consumed. The current log generation is 918000 (0x000E01F0) which is approaching the maximum log generation of 1048559 (0x000FFFEF), there are 130559 (0x0001FDFF) log generations left to be used. To begin renumbering from generation 1, the instance must be shutdown cleanly and all log files must be deleted. Backups will be invalidated.

Problem Analysis:

1. The transaction log sequence is getting exhausted.

2. The transaction log sequence is from E0000001.log ( DEC: 1) to E00FFFFF.log (DEC: 10,48,575), currently the sequence is E2146 i.e (9.26,022 ), due to which the error is getting generated.

Plan of Action:

1. Take full system and system state including Exchange Server (Microsoft Information Store and all the Storage Group) backup.

2. Install Exchange Troubleshooting Assistance v1.1

3. The transaction log path to be modified and new transaction log sequence is to be re initiated.

Contingency Plan:

1. In case of any problem, the Exchange Information Store can be restored.

Restoration Time: 1.5 X (Exchange Information Store Backup Time).

The transaction log path to be modified and new transaction log sequence is to be re initiated.


1. Dismount MailBox Store.

Open Exchange System Manager -> Administrative Group -> First/Second..Administrative Group -> Servers->MAIL SERVER NAME -> MailBoxStore

Right Click and Disable.

2. Dismount Public Store.

Open Exchange System Manager -> Administrative Group -> First/Second..Administrative Group -> Servers->MAIL SERVER NAME -> Public Folder Store

Right Click and Disable.

Note: If you don't dismount Public Store, E00.chk file won't be copied.

3. Go to C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDDATA folder.

Check if the database are dismounted properly,

eseutil /MH priv1.edb

eseutil /MH pub1.edb

STATE must be "CLEAN"

if not clean refer Microsoft KB article, if that doesn't work use the following command,

eseutil /p priv1.edb

4. Cut *.log and *.chk files from Transaction Log location to different folder.

Else: USE Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistance v1.1 , use DATA BASE recovery option to reset Transaction Log Counter. IF it fails you can cut paste the transaction log files including E00.log, which will reset the Transaction Log Counter.

Note: Don't delete the log files, which might be required during restoration.

5. Mount Storage, and check mail flow.

6. Immediately take the information store backup, once the activity is completed.

If you face any problem pls feel free to contact me on

Subhag Ghosh
